Members of the audience put in their bids, while she put on a show for the whole room to see. Touching herself as she danced around the stripper pole. Teasing us in her tight, pink corset.
Although she was the most confident slave there, she didn’t bring in the highest bid.
Many bidders already made up their minds long before anyone got up on stage.
Body positivity is huge in Sanctuary. And it was very clear that certain people liked certain things.
One man made sure to get every big, beautiful woman he could. Each of these women received great applause from the audience. One of whom brought in the auction’s highest bid.
Prior to the auction, I overhead a couple chatting outside. They were looking forward to getting two specific slaves. Both of whom were younger men dressing as shy, cute girls.
At the auction, this very same couple was excited to see their choices go up on stage and scooped them up quickly.
After the auction, I walked over to Mistress C to introduce myself. Making sure not to stumble into any of the slaves who were getting drinks and giving foot rubs to their buyers.

What I Saw
“It’s my first time here. I’ve never done any of this before…”, I tell Mistress C nervously.
“Well don’t let it overwhelm you. Look around, see what interests you.”
Mistress C is the owner of Sanctuary, as far as I know, and she’s a known player at DomCon. She was very sweet in reassuring me that newcomers take a while to warm up.
My friend Eduardo tells her that I’m here to learn more about BDSM for my Shadow Work practice.
He knew about my interest in the sadomasochistic side of the human psyche. And I figured the best way for me to learn is by “Shadow Play”, aka BDSM/kink.
After we finished chatting I took a look around.
Older Gentleman Playing With A Hot Woman
The woman in the pink corset has her arms restrained above her head, and her face and body pressed against the wooden board. The man’s left hand is pressing against her lower back, while his right-hand smacks her ass with a small, wooden paddle.
Each time you hear the smack, she yells out the count, followed by his title:
“1 DADDY!”
“2 DADDY!”
“3 DADDY!”
By the time she counted ten, her ass was bright red. He’d then shoo her away and call his next slave to the board.
Bearded Man Surrounded by 3 big beautiful women
A heavyset, burly man has a woman standing at both of his sides and one in front of him. He takes turns touching their faces, tracing his fingers down their necks and across their bodies.
He seems to enjoy having them stand very close to him. Most people would feel claustrophobic in his position, but instead, he took pleasure in it.
He fondled each of these women as they smiled with their eyes closed. Gladly anticipating his next touch.
Asian Man Gets Sensual
He was laying down on his back completely nude. The woman applied some liquid on his nipples—
Raising his chin, eyes closed, he let out a light gasp.
He kept his eyes closed as she applied various fluids on different parts of his body.
At one point she pours liquid on his balls, which I can only imagine gave him a sensation of heat. Then she started slapping his inner thighs.
In moments, the liquid dried over his balls. Giving it the appearance of dried glue.
On my walk back to my group, I spot:
- Age Play; woman sucking on a pacifier
- husband punishing his wife with a paddle
- woman getting her breasts slapped.

Back with the group, I asked the girls to play with me so I could learn a thing or two.
But first, I had to get Sir V’s permission.
Sir V is one of the most charismatic people I’ve ever been around. He has a way of speaking that releases tension in a person.
He’s an experienced player and fixture of the BDSM community. He has been featured on VH1’s “I’m Married to A…” and his professional life is admirable as well.
He allows his girls to play with me, while Eduardo lets us use his custom floggers.
“But before flogging anyone, I think it’s best if I get flogged first”,
I wanted to know how much pain I’m potentially causing to another person.
P is first to play with me. She’d have me use a contraption similar to this:

Where I’d be faced towards the wall as she’s flogging me.
Traffic Light Safe Words
Before we start, P tells me about the Traffic Light Safe Words:
Red means to stop. You say this when you’ve reached your limit. This implies that you are not consenting to go any further beyond your limits. Stop everything immediately.
Yellow means to slow down a bit. The top is starting to reach your threshold where you aren’t finding the play satisfying. This lets them know to ease off a bit.
Green means go. You are eager and comfortable to get on with the scene.
It’s a good idea to go over safe words to make sure the scene remains consensual and safe.
P starts off easy on me. And after every dozen hits, she checks to see if I’m okay.
Which I was okay.
Too okay…
After a few disappointing rounds, all I could think was:
“Why isn’t she hitting me harder?”
It’s a weird thought to have and an even weirder thing to ask for.
Eventually, she hits me at an impact I feel good about (which I’ll get more into in a bit).
At one point I even feel my hands go a bit numb.
For the last “round”, P asks me if she could slap me across my back.
I consented.
Although I was perfectly fine with the flogging, I found the slaps to be incredibly annoying. I didn’t like it at all.
Thud vs Sting
When P asks me how I felt about being slapped, I tell her I didn’t like it.
She explains that there are two basic sensations we feel physically:
A Thud is a heavier sensation that you feel “deeper” in the body. You’ll feel the impact more on your muscles.
A Sting is a sharper sensation that you feel more on your skin.
Everyone likes or dislikes these sensations in varying degrees.
Personally, I don’t mind Thuds because it just seems like a violent massage.
But stings?..
I hate stings.
Stings remind me of how annoying my brothers were as kids. Which is not something I want to think about in this context.
After finishing, I tell P that something in me is shaking and I can’t really think.
She explains that my body is getting an endorphin rush from enduring all those hits.
After putting down her flogger, she asks me to close my eyes.
When I do, she rubs my back and lightly traces her nails across my skin.
(Closing your eyes really does make things feel more sensational.)
I didn’t realize it until now, but between every round she made sure to check how I was feeling. She was incredibly sweet and now I understand why.
We put ourselves through consensual trauma going through a scene. Except, instead of coming out feeling shitty about ourselves, we intend to come out feeling “refreshed”.
Aftercare is checking on the emotional and physical well-being of your bottom. You’re making sure they’re coming down from their endorphin high as smoothly as possible.
Come to think of it, if she just left after smacking the shit out of my back… I probably would’ve felt… used?
How to Use a Flogger
Now it was my turn to flog P. So C showed me the basics on how to flog.
First, she told me that “where my thumb is pointing is where the tails will strike”.
Second, she’d showed me how to swing the flogger in a Figure 8.
The Figure 8 is useful for delivering consistent blows and “warming up” the bottom for an endorphin rush.
C also pointed out areas of the body to avoid. This includes:
- Head
- Neck
- Spine
- Lower Back (Kidneys)
- Knees
But since P was wearing a tight, black corset, I wouldn’t have to worry so much about the kidneys.
How Does Flogging & Being Flogged Feel?
Obviously, everyone is going to feel differently, depending on how you mentally approach BDSM and how your body physically reacts.
Personally, while getting flogged I felt like I was looking for a sweet spot.
To me, it’s like eating the spiciest wings you can without sacrificing flavor.
But a part of me did want to see how much I can take.
Although getting flogged delivers a sensual pleasure, flogging someone else feels more sexually enjoyable.
(“Chocolate Thor” would later tell me that flogging is all in the wrist.)
I felt I had to hide my smirk as I was flogging her. A part of me found it inappropriate despite being in the most appropriate place to do it.
I liked it. It was hot.
BDSM is the Art of Sensuality
After I finished flogging P, B came up and asked to play.
B is someone who seems to really enjoy the sadistic aspects of BDSM. She has a confident demeanor and predator eyes.
Before getting started, she asks if scratching me is okay. I consented.
She’d flog and scratch me to the point that others commented how red my back was getting.
Meanwhile, I could hear her making pleasing sounds at the work she’d done on my back.
At one point she admitted that she overdid the scratching on the right side of my back. Despite myself not feeling any nasty sharp pain.
(I’d see the damage on my back the following morning.)
By the end, I felt exhausted.
She thanked me for playing with her. And she explained how she liked seeing the red and scratch marks on my back.
This was her art.
Check out more here.